Hope Has A Name

July 9, 2020

I have not written lately. Well, that’s not true, I have actually written quite a bit, but just haven’t published. To be honest, I’m struggling. With everything going on in the world today and particularly America, I felt like I didn’t want to be one more voice out there inundating everyone’s newsfeeds and emails with one more piece of information. Can we be real for a minute? We are on information overload and it is completely overwhelming. But I figure if I am struggling that maybe you might be too, so I want to share what is getting me through this time.

 When I started Stills Magnolia my mission was to share the hope of Jesus Christ. Yes, I want to raise awareness of Adult Onset Stills Disease and what it means to live with a chronic illness, but my ultimate goal is to shine the light on Jesus Christ and make him known. Currently I am wondering if I am really doing a good job at fulling my mission. With all the recent world events, I have found myself frustrated, angry, sad, disappointed and for the most part pretty silent. Now my immediate family and best friends might disagree on the silent part, but seriously outside of them, I haven’t said much. (Don’t worry, this isn’t the point where I dive into my thoughts on COVID-19 or share my stance on politics, so everyone breathe) However, what I will share is this, even though this world, particularly America, is in turmoil and upheaval, and I look around and cannot see God’s plan, I know we have A Hope and that hope is named Jesus.  In fact, 1 Timothy 1:1 promises Jesus is our hope! I find such comfort in that!

If you are familiar with my life’s journey, you know that I have experienced tremendous loss and pain. Yet, through all the heartache, sadness, loss and disappointments I always had hope. Even when I couldn’t see God’s plan or understand it, I knew I could trust Him. Lamentations 3:22-24 tells us, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, says my soul, therefore I will hope in him.” What I have learned is no matter what, God is faithful. His love never fails. Whatever comes my way, even the uncertainty of the times we live in, I can trust God and have confidence because of Him. My sweet friend, I don’t know where you are today in your walk of life. I don’t know how you are handling the new normal of our world, that quite honestly seems to be different every day. Maybe you are doing well, and I pray you are, but if perhaps you are struggling, my prayer is that you look to Jesus for your answer and your hope! He is our hope in this broken world. He has only His best for us and we can trust His plan. So, no matter what we face this side of eternity, we can take heart because he has already overcome this world. Hope has a name, and His name is Jesus! May you and I rest in that truth!

 “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.”  Psalm 42:11

 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13

“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have OVERCOME the world. John 16:33

One of my favorite songs I want to share with you. Click on link below to listen:

Hope Has A Name by River Valley Worship

There is a song, I know it well
A melody that’s never failed
On mountains high, in valleys low
My soul will rest, my confidence, in You alone

Hope has a name, His name is Jesus
My Savior’s cross has set this sinner free
Hope has a name, His name is Jesus
Oh, Christ be praised, I have victory

There is a light, salvation’s flame
Christ undefeated, trampled the grave
See now the cross, be lifted high
The light has come, the light has won, behold the Christ

Hope has a name, His name is Jesus
My Savior’s cross has set this sinner free
Hope has a name, His name is Jesus
Oh, Christ be praised, I have victory
Hope has a name, His name is Jesus
My Savior’s cross has set this sinner free
Hope has a name, His name is Jesus
Oh, Christ be praised, I have victory

There’ll be a day my hope complete
Now home in glory, Your face I’ll see
My pain no more, my fear will cease
I bow my life, I fix my eyes, on Christ my King
I bow my life, I fix my eyes, on Christ my King

Hope has a name, His name is Jesus
My Savior’s cross has set this sinner free
Hope has a name, His name is Jesus
Oh, Christ be praised, I have victory
Hope has a name, His name is Jesus
My Savior’s cross has set this sinner free
Hope has a name, His name is Jesus
Oh, Christ be praised, I have victory
Oh, Christ be praised, I have victory




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