What’s Your “Something Wonderful?”

October 7, 2020

The change of summer to fall is a welcomed friend at my home. I love when fall is ushered in by the crisp air, light winds, the splash of color on the leaves. My hummingbirds begin their journey to warmer weather and my winter birds return home to us. Friday Night Lights and College Game Day signify football is upon us. Five months of holidays line up waiting to be celebrated. Chilis and soups are now back on the menu, oh and let’s not forget my great-grandmother’s chicken in dumplings. Pumpkins line the walls at Publix and fire pits warm the chill in the night air waiting for the first marshmallow to be roasted. And it just wouldn’t be right not to mention pumpkin spice. I know, I know, you either love it or you can leave it, but whether you like it or not, it has become a staple of fall.

But unlike fall at my house, what if the change isn’t so welcomed and it’s a big, serious one?

I experienced this turn your life upside down unwelcomed change 2 years ago. I did not sign-up for it. I did not ask for it nor could I prevent it. One day I was feeling healthy, happy and at the top of my game; the next day, not so much. I found myself sick and searching for answers. Life changed on a dime and I faced a crossroad.  Change is hard when it is forced upon us, especially when the change is unwelcome and hurts. I imagine the year 2020 might come to mind right about now. Seriously, 2020 came in like a wrecking ball that has had the life span of The Energizer Bunny. It just keeps going and going, or should I say giving and giving and taking and taking, am I right? But whether it is the changes 2020 has brought us, or the changes my illness brought to me, what I am reminded is change equals choice. We basically have two decisions to make. Embrace the change and find the good or fight it tooth and nail, always looking for the bad. Embracing the change, allows for learning, growing, healing and possibly some blessings. Yep, I said it, you might just get blessed from unwelcomed change.  Fighting the change, we can find ourselves stuck, sad, angry, bitter and missing the blessings. (Now let me add a quick disclaimer, some change may happen that goes against your beliefs, something that you feel convicted you need to stand up against or a type of change that you have an opportunity to have a say in, but that type of change is a whole other topic for a whole other blog for another day. And I’m not saying you shouldn’t stand up for your beliefs, there is a God honoring way to do that, what I am saying is once an unavoidable, unwelcomed change has happened, like my illness, we have a choice to find the good or always look for the bad. Make sense? )  

When I was diagnosed with Still’s Disease I was devastated. I couldn’t see God’s plan for it, but I knew He had one. I didn’t understand His plan, but I didn’t have to, I had to trust it. Not always easy to do and it was a struggle for me at times. I had to repeatedly remind myself that God had a purpose for my life and this life change would help fulfill His plan.  Understanding this was a pivotal point for me to embrace the change. If I had, had it my way, I would not have gotten sick and still be working my dream job. But as I took each step of faith, God grew me in ways I could have never imagined and sprinkled in blessings along the way, which I may  have missed, if I had not been looking for them.

See, I had a friend Ms. Betty who taught me the art of looking for the blessings in each day. Ms. Betty’s life wasn’t always an easy one, but you never would have known it. She always had a smile on her face and happy words of wisdom to share. You could not be in a bad mood when Ms. Betty was around. As Ms. Betty and I became fast friends, she would remind me that regardless of what was going on in your life, each day held blessings. Ms. Betty called these blessings her “something wonderfuls”. We worked together and every morning I checked in with her. I knew that each morning she would ask me what my something wonderful was from the prior day. What I quickly learned was I better be prepared because it was going to be the first question out of her mouth.  At first, I found this practice a little irritating, but what Ms. Betty taught me, and I soon realized is each day we have choice. We can choose to look for the “something wonderfuls” or we can choose to focus on negatives and wallow in them.  I’m so glad that Ms. Betty helped me learn to see the good, to stop and find the blessings even in the midst of change. Who knew that this would help me later in life when I was diagnosed with Still’s Disease, to look for the blessings that exist along the journey of change.

My sweet friends, as you face unwelcomed change in your life, I hope that you will embrace it. Might be difficult at first, I get it. But I hope you will allow the change to grow you in ways you couldn’t imagine. I hope you learn lessons that help you as you navigate through life. I hope you will find healing through the unwelcomed change. I hope you know God has the best plan for your life and trust Him.  Last, I hope you take up the practice to look for the “something wonderfuls”, because if given the chance, well change, it just might bring you some blessings along the way.


“The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.” Psalm 138:8

“I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.” Psalm 57:2

Inspirational Video:

Blessings by Laura Story

 Written in memory, honor and celebration of my dear friend Betty DeLorme. She was one in a million! I miss her so. 



  1. Suzanne

    This is profound ! Thank you , Pam!

  2. Nancy Tate Hellams

    Thank you for remembering my sister, Betty, with this beautiful post. Her Something Wonderfuls sure helped me get through many a day. I, too, learned so much from her. She was very wise.

    • Pam Duke

      Nancy, I loved writing this one and thinking about our beloved, sweet Betty. I am better because of her. She made me want to be a better person. She is greatly missed.

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