The First Man Who Loved Me

June 19, 2021

In my short life, there have been 4 men that I believe can do no wrong. Maybe I see them through rose colored glasses, regardless, they are pretty close to perfect in my eyes. One of those men is my grandaddy, I couldn’t spend enough time with this man. The truth of the matter is he was the apple of my eye and well, I was his. I adored him! He gave me a love for old gospel music, fishing, bottled Coke, Reese cups and KitKats. We were thick as thieves and the day He died a piece of my heart went with him. Then, my Jeff. This man I do not deserve. He is truly God’s gift to me. He is the most selfless husband and dad walking this earth. Full of wisdom, compassion and love, and oh how he loves us so well. A true reflection of Christ-like love and without him, we wouldn’t have Garris. No words can truly capture the joy that Garris brings, not only to me, but to those who know him. God placed a sweet spirit in this child of mine and He has grown into a man after God’s own heart. He will make a great husband and dad one day.

Then there is my daddy. I’m pretty sure God broke the mold after creating my dad cause He knew the world could only handle one of him. (and some might debate that we can even handle him) But my daddy, he is the first man who loved me. He named me. I don’t think my mother was too thrilled with him, but nonetheless, they kept my name. I’ve been told the story multiple times about how my daddy told my mother “we have our Pamela Michelle.”  If I am being honest, as I have heard the names they had previously discussed, I’m glad that my dad went rogue. Which if you know my dad, you aren’t surprised that he did. I’ve always been a daddy’s girl and wouldn’t want it any other way. I’m not sure when I became a daddy’s girl, maybe it started the day I was born, when he named me, I really don’t know, but I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t.

Growing up, I loved spending time with my daddy, and it didn’t matter what we were doing, well except working in the garden, that is the one thing I tried to avoid at all cost. Early summer mornings picking the garden were not my idea of how a girl should spend her summer. I probably spent more time trying to avoid working in the garden than if I had actually just gone and done it. Even though I didn’t love the garden, I did learn what it meant to work hard by my dad’s example of being our provider. My daddy taught me what hard work, grit and determination looked like in everything that he did. Whether it was attending school for trainings, setting up the county fair with the Jaycees, working a full day then working a second job on the nights and weekends or kicking terminal cancer’s back side, my daddy demonstrated what it looks like to give it your all. Daddy, well, he was also my biggest cheerleader and continues to be one. (but has a little bit of competition for that role these days) He was always there cheering me on at every swim meet, softball game, piano recital, church choir performance, no matter what I was involved in, he was there rooting for me. That’s the thing about my daddy, he always showed up when I needed him most. Through some of the darkest times in my life, my daddy was the one who could make me feel that everything was going to be alright. From a broken relationship, that was supposed to be for life, to the death of my son, to a life changing illness, my dad loved, encouraged, comforted, supported, helped, protected, spoke truth into my life, and prayed for me. Oh, the comfort of my daddy’s hug, how it calmed the chaos.

There is so much more I could tell you about my daddy. How he tells a joke over and over which by the 5th time I’ve heard it, it is no longer funny, yet I find myself laughing because my dad gets so tickled at himself every time, he tells it. I could tell you how he taught me how to shoot a gun and fish and how he burst with pride when I out shot and out fished his best friend’s kids. I could tell you how he loves people and never meets a stranger. How he would give you the last dollar in his pocket and the shirt off his back. I could tell you how he shows extravagant love to his family and friends through his unrelentless generosity. How for 20 years, he was first in the car rider line to pick up my kids from school, not only to help us out, but because he looked forward to the after school updates and spending time with his grandkids. I could tell you how he was intentional in my kid’s lives, taking Merrilea to voice lessons every week and Garris to baseball lessons. How he never missed one of Garris’ baseball games. How my dad drove his truck pulling his boat through the Chick-fil-a drive-thru and got it stuck, offering us entertainment and him another “Big Fish” story to add to his collection. I could tell you how my daddy taught me to love Alabama football and how I will miss us texting each other throughout the games when my daddy is no longer on this earth. Oh yes, my daddy, he is one of a kind, really one in a million’s million. I adore him. And as much as I adore him and as I previously mention, think he can do no wrong, the reality is he can and does. He isn’t perfect, in my eyes he is pretty close, but the truth is he falls short, (please don’t tell him I said so), but I fall short too.

I am also very aware that my childhood reality may not be yours. Not all dad’s show up or show up well in their children’s lives. I have friends, who did not have a loving father. Their fathers were abusive and mean. Some were abandoned by their fathers and some never knew them. I know others, their fathers were just a child support check that may or may not have shown up each month. But here is what I know, no matter if you had the best dad, who loved you well, or an absent father, or abusive one or one who couldn’t break his addiction to alcohol, or one that abandoned you, no matter how your earthly father was or is, you have a Heavenly Father that wants you and loves you unconditionally. See, God, He created you. He knitted you in your mother’s womb. (Psalm 139) He loves you. In fact, he loves you and me so much that He sent his one and only son, Jesus, who took on all our sin, died on a cross and resurrected to life, defeating death so that we can have an eternal & personal relationship with God. (Romans 5:8) Oh, yes, He loves you! Your Heavenly Father, he is the supplier of all your needs. (Phil 4:19) He is the healer of your broken heart. (Psalm 147:3-4) He is your help in times of trouble. (Psalm 46:1) He is your comforter. (2 Corinthians 1:3) He is the giver of an abundant life. (John 10:10) He loves you with an unfailing love. (Psalm 136:26) He provides you with a peace that transcends all understanding. (Phil 4:7) He is your hope. (Romans 15:13) My sweet friend, if you don’t have a personal relationship with God, due to the example of your earthly father or for whatever reason, my prayer is that you would. You can trust God, He never disappoints! I promise! I can’t think of a better way to celebrate Father’s Day than trusting God with your life!

Oh, and one last thing about my daddy, and probably the most important thing I can tell you about him, He loves Jesus. If my daddy met you, he sure would ask you if you know Jesus and regardless of your answer, he would still tell you all about Jesus. See, Jesus got my daddy through some of the hardest times in his life, including that fight with a rare, terminal cancer, which he was not supposed to survive. Out of all the things I learned from my daddy, learning about Jesus and His love for me, was the most important gift my daddy could have ever given me. So, on this Father’s Day, I wanted to honor my daddy by sharing a little about how well he loves me and say thank you. Thank you daddy for investing in me, loving me so well, and sharing with me the greatest love I could know, the love of Jesus. I love you daddy!    

Inspirational Video:

Do You Know My Jesus: After my daddy had cancer, he sang this old, gospel song in church. (told ya my grand-daddy gave us a love for old, Southern gospel) It became a staple in our family and when my son Jack died, I asked my daddy to sing it at Jack’s graveside service.  

Let Me Tell You About My Jesus: This has become one of my favorite new contemporary Christian songs about Jesus’ love for us. 

A Bible and a .44: This song, well it pretty much sums up my daddy. (except for the great guitar playing. Daddy knew only how to play The House of The Rising Son) I shared this song with him a few weeks ago and told him, I plan to share this song at your funeral, but since you won’t hear it, I thought you’d like to know how I feel about you. Is that bad? 




  1. suzanne chambers

    Sobbing. This is profoundly beautiful! Thank you, Pam, for sharing your Daddy AND your writing gift. Wow.

    • Pam Duke

      Thank you Suzanne 🙂

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