Generous Gratitude Giver

November 28, 2022

Gratitude. A choice we make. A posture we take. Our heart’s condition.

Gratitude. Not always easy to have when we find ourselves in difficult, painful times . . . a death, a diagnosis, a heartbreak.

Gratitude. Seeing the blessings in all things. Noticing the “simple” things in life.

Last week we celebrated Thanksgiving, well, maybe not all of us, but for me and my family we did. I love Thanksgiving. A time when my family gathers for no other reason than to give thanks. A holiday that isn’t focused on the hottest gifts of the season or the new color scheme for decorations. A humble holiday, if you will allow, one that doesn’t come with all the fanfare, the “much to do.”  You don’t hear the radios the day after (or days before) Halloween playing Thanksgiving songs. The stores aren’t piping Thanksgiving music over their systems trying to usher us into the “Thanksgiving Spirit.” Famous artist aren’t dropping their lastest and greatest spin on Thanksgiving Classic. Hallmark doesn’t dedicate 2 months to Thanksgiving specials. No one is getting dressed up in their Thanksgiving outfits in October to take their Thanksgiving card picture. 

No Thanksgiving is what I refer to as the underdog holiday. The middle child, so to speak, overlooked and sometimes forgotten. Maybe that’s why my family loves it so as we are all about the underdog! Or maybe we love it so much because we get to be more intentional about giving thanks.

As a mom of two, I have always encouraged my kids to make a list of what they are grateful for in their lives. A Gratitude List. A critical to have, a must! A gentle reminder of all the blessings, big and small, in our lives. A referrence, a ground wire of blessings that remind us of all the good during the hard seasons of life. God’s faithfulness in our lives captured on paper. Encouragement to keep trusting Him on a hard day. A reflection of God’s love. Written down evidence of how each of us has experienced God’s goodness in the land of the living. In fact last week one of my children thanked me for encouraging them to keep a journal of gratitude. I’m grateful for that!

Gratitude. Do you have it? If you do, don’t or could show a little more, would you go on a gratitude journey with me? Sweet friends, let’s start together now.  As we exit the Thanksgiving holidays and enter into the Advent season, may we not isolate thanksgiving to just one day. May each of us have a posture of gratitude during this Christmas season and throughout the year. Let’s live lives of gratitude everyday by practicing the pause to give thanks to God, our Jehovah Jireh, for His provision and blessings in our lives. May we never restrict gratitude, especially from God!

Let’s be generous gratitude givers!

And now about that Journal of Gratitude . . .

Bible Verse:

“Let them give thanks to The Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for mankind . . . ” Psalm 107:8

I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.  I will be glad and exult in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High. Psalm 9:1-2

Current Favorite Song of Gratitude 

 Gratitude Brandon Lake



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