Empty Nesting is for the Birds!

Empty Nesting is for the Birds!

It has been a while since I have shared my writings but seeing as yesterday was Mother’s Day, this one feels right to share. This particular piece I wrote at the beginning of this year when my baby boy moved off to college. I hope you enjoy it. And to all the moms out...
Did Betrayal Cause a Broken Heart?

Did Betrayal Cause a Broken Heart?

I love Holy Week. A week set a part to contemplate and reflect on what Jesus did for us, for me. A week to truly focus on Jesus and give thanks to Him for the gift of eternal life. A week to celebrate Jesus’ victory over death. A week that changed the course for...
2020, The Year That Keeps on Giving

2020, The Year That Keeps on Giving

Those closest to me have grown accustom to me saying “Well 2020 just keeps on giving”, every time we hear something bad happens. I originally started saying it in my sarcastic tone to try to bring a little humor to a very horrible time. Now I say it in disgust. I’m...
What’s Your Word?

What’s Your Word?

My dear friend Kirsten asked me a few weeks ago if I had picked my word for the year 2021. I quickly responded hope. I didn’t have to think about it as it has been my word for 2020 too. Hope is what Stills Magnolia is anchored on, the hope that Jesus Christ brings us,...
You Want Me to Be Thankful?

You Want Me to Be Thankful?

This year has been hard for everyone. No matter what walk of life you are in, the year 2020 has challenged all of us at some point. And now we are entering the holiday season where we are supposed to be thankful and joyful while social distancing from those we love...