
My Journey, Tips & More

My Welcome and My Why

My Welcome and My Why

Welcome to my site! I am so glad that you are here and humbled by your interest. My hope is that as you peruse Stills Magnolia you will not only be encouraged but you will see God's faithfulness and know how much He loves us! So why? Why Stills Magnolia? I was born in...

Generous Gratitude Giver

Generous Gratitude Giver

Gratitude. A choice we make. A posture we take. Our heart's condition. Gratitude. Not always easy to have when we find ourselves in difficult, painful times . . . a death, a diagnosis, a heartbreak. Gratitude. Seeing the blessings in all things. Noticing the "simple"...

Scared Still – Part 1

Scared Still – Part 1

Scared, I’ve been scared. Hard to admit, but the reality I must face. I’ve been scared. Scared that maybe I heard God wrong about starting Stills Magnolia. Scared that maybe I wasn’t supposed to write. Scared that I wasn’t called to share my story. Scared that Stills...

Forgiveness, Can You Only Imagine It?

Forgiveness, Can You Only Imagine It?

As I shared in my last blog, "Word Up! What's Your Word?", healing is the word God laid on my heart for this year.  Healing comes in all different forms, but probably the type, really an action, that provides the most healing is forgiveness. I wrote the below piece on...

Word Up! What’s Your Word?

Word Up! What’s Your Word?

New Year, new leaf, right? As 2022 approaches, many have contemplated what their New Year resolutions will be for the coming year. To go along with those resolutions, many will choose their “word” for the year. In fact, many of my friends have already picked gratitude...

The First Man Who Loved Me

The First Man Who Loved Me

In my short life, there have been 4 men that I believe can do no wrong. Maybe I see them through rose colored glasses, regardless, they are pretty close to perfect in my eyes. One of those men is my grandaddy, I couldn’t spend enough time with this man. The truth of...

Empty Nesting is for the Birds!

Empty Nesting is for the Birds!

It has been a while since I have shared my writings but seeing as yesterday was Mother’s Day, this one feels right to share. This particular piece I wrote at the beginning of this year when my baby boy moved off to college. I hope you enjoy it. And to all the moms out...