
causes close to my heart

It takes a village to raise up those in need. And while Pam fights for those suffering, she also supports four villages that excel in this mission: The Arthritis Foundation, World Vision, FCA and her local church.

Featured Foundation

The Arthritis Foundation

Lightening the load of Still’s

Still’s Disease is a rare type of inflammatory arthritis that impacts than 100,000 people each year. Lifting yourself up is harder with Still’s, but The Arthritis Foundation can give you a boost.

A Mission I Admire

World Vision

Providing hope and help

Using a modern, faith-based approach, World Vision partners with children, families, and communities to tackle the causes of poverty. I believe the Bible leads us to live in the image of Christ walking alongside the broken. 

Local Ministry

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

leveraging the platform of sports

Leading with the values of integrity, serving, teamwork and excellence, FCA equips coaches and athletes to leverage their influence for the sake of others coming to know the transforming power of Christ.

Local Church

Bethlehem Church

serving one another

Jesus thought building His church was important, so I do too. Jeff and I have the honor of serving through various avenues to help build, encourage and support the church body and community. One way we do this is through  hosting a small group in our home. We believe our home is The Lord’s and want to use it to serve Him.   

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

(Ephesians 4:32)

Walk With Me

Read my stories and devotions

Tending to my calling, I am a Stills Magnolia. I invite everyone to tap into their inner fortitude and faith.