Still with Strength

Pam Duke

Advocate, Speaker and baker

Welcome to Stills Magnolia! I am so glad you landed here! As the subtitle says above, yes I am an advocate, speaker and baker! Others titles I am known by are wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt and friend. But if you asked me, I would tell ya, I’m just a small town country girl saved by and living in God’s grace experiencing His goodness.  And oh, how He is so, so good! Over the past several years, one of my favorite Bible verses has become  Psalm 27:13, “Still I am certain to see the goodness of The Lord in the land of the living.”   King David penned Psalm 27 during a time  he was being pursued by his enemies.  In this chapter we see David’s journey through trusting in The Lord to being fearful and asking The Lord to rescue him. What I love is David didn’t stay stuck in his fear and we get a front row seat to see it. Right there in verse 13 David voices his confidence in The Lord! I love that God did this for us! David fully trusted that he would experience the goodness of God. If David didn’t live many moons before me, I would think he was reading my mail because I can so relate!

How I have had my own journey of valleys and mountain tops full of faith and fear. Over the past 25 years I have experienced overwhelming loss, great trials and indescribable heartache. At times, I felt much like David, scared, worried, shaken and in need of rescue. But then, remembering all the times of God’s faithfulness in my life, I stood up and planted my shaky self on the firm foundation of Christ. Through those dark, turbulent times, I found my strength, courage and hope in Christ alone. My prayer is by sharing my journey of loss, suffering and living with Adult On Set Stills Disease, you will find your strength, courage and hope in Jesus. Oh, sweet friend, my heart’s desire is for you to know Jesus personally and know He is good! 

This is my why . . . why I advocate; why I speak about my journey, this is why I bake, that you may truly see, experience and know the goodness of God in the land of the living! Would you join me on my journey? 

A Little More about Pam

Before Still’s, Pam served as an executive healthcare professional focused on improving patient experience.  From check in to check out, Pam ensured all patient’s concerns were seen, heard, and treated.  In the rooms where Pam’s guidelines ensured that all patients were respected, she herself suffered some of the deepest losses of her life. But, from deep loss, a vocation to help others flourished.  After leaving the healthcare profession, Pam worked as a consultant, facilitator, keynote speaker and coach focused on helping businesses across different industries implement culture change, employee engagement initiatives as well as help build a culture of personal accountability.  Currently, Pam has discovered her love for baking, particularly gourmet cheesecakes. 

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Pam has spoken at numerous keynotes and faciliated multiple training sessions in major healthcare systems across the nation. Now, she shares a message of strength and hope through speaking engagements.

“Still I am certain to see the goodness of The Lord in the land of the living.”

Psalm 27:13



It takes a village to raise up those in need. And while Pam fights for those suffering, she also supports four villages that excel in this mission: FCA, her local church, The Arthritis Foundation and World Vision.

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