The Duke Story

My life has not been about what I want, but what God wants for me. His vision goes far beyond my foresight and can only be seen by looking in the rearview mirror. And sometimes, I’ve seen that we must drive a long distance before we can see all the ways God was at work.



God led me to the love of my life and husband, Jeff Duke. In 1997, we married and later that year welcomed our daughter, Merrilea.


loss of a child

We lost our first son, Jackson, to Trisomy 13.  We would later learn that this chromosomal abnormality caused by Robertsonian Translocation was genetic. Jackson taught more in his 20 minutes of life then what most people teach in a lifetime.



    We were blessed with our second son, Garris. 



    After a weeks of being sick and spiking a 104 fever, Merrilea was admitted to the hospital. After multiple tests, she was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, Chronic Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP).


      loss of jeff’s job

      The impact of 9/11 and the downturn in the economy caused Jeff’s company to downsize, laying him off. 

        2002 – 2005


        Merrilea was in and out of the hospital every 6 to 8 weeks for treatments. Each treatment lasted 3 days which were very hard on her. Side effects of her treatments were nausea and migraine headaches.

          2008 – 2012


          Merrilea’s ITP became not only manageable, but livable. Our family was healthy and happy. Life was relatively easy.



            I was promoted to Director of Patient Experience at Piedmont Healthcare in Athens, Georgia.   



              Merrilea graduated high school and began her journey at Samford University. She quickly joined AOII, a sorority whose chief philanthropy is Arthritis.



                I stepped out of my comfort zone and challenged myself personally and professionally. I accepted a consulting job, which required traveling all over the United States. Did I mention I was scared to fly? 



                I had aches, pains, high fevers and nausea that would have most people calling out of work. Being born & bred in Watkinsville, GA, I kept it moving. Until I passed out and was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit where I slipped in and out of consciousness.

                I was diagnosed with Adult Onset Still’s Disease.


                  being still

                   I begin to see the pattern God designed for me. God gave me lessons in deep losses, but He also gave me a loving family, a tight-knit community, and restoration.   



                  How I help people has shifted. Hard work is holy. Every day is a blessing. Every breath is a gift.